l’ombre de l’ombre

l’ombre de l’ombre

sound poetry
musics - installations

L’ombre de l’ombre (2010-2013)
octophonic electronic music,  21’

translation of the title:
The shadow of the shadow

Concert version and Installation version

L’ombre de l’ombre is a piece of spatialised electronic music. It is built from a recorded sound, resynthesized with various treatments and, mainly, synthetic sounds obtained from graphic filters applied to the spectrum of white, pink or brown noises.
Spatialization starts from a spectral division of sound: eight frequency bands break down the spectrum and are processed either in a fixed point, in circular, triangular or square movements, or in a direct path between loudspeakers (axis and diagonals).
Five versions are possible, which include a selection of spectral movements: square-triangle version, circle version, axis and diagonal version, fixed version, total version. The total version can be given in concert or in installation, the partial versions are preferably given in installation. An installation can alternate the different versions.

total version, the eight channels in waveform representation

technical sheet in pdf

the music, a fragment in stereo reduction:

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