sound art
Around composition

¿Archipiélago o laberinto? Componer en el siglo XXI (2022)
Published in Pilacremus nº 5, (Perspectiva Interdisciplinaria del Laboratorio de Creación Musical), Facultad de Música, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, janvier 2022, pp. 119-136.

Repeat or compose: the creator’s dilemma in front of a consumer society arises in a moment in which he disposes the most varied tools to play his role freely and with the least external restrictions. Eclecticism is no more the overlapping of varieties, but the intimate situation of the composer himself. Timbre, sound spatiality, diversity of sound spaces and tunings, no more considered in a pyramidal way, become accessible through technology and the virtual instrument.
online (cast)

Babeleatorio — dodecafonía, instalación poético-algorítmica (2020)
In : Forma y sonido - quince años de arte sonoro en el Uruguay, Lukas Kühne & Fabrice Lengronne, comp., Universidad de Quilmes Editorial, Arg., pp. 237-240. (see publications)

Around technology in music

El instrumento mecánico, irrupción tecnológica en la música, en su realización y en su naturaleza (2020)
Not only technology burst into musical landscape of the beginning of this twentieth century, but also it imposes itself to discussion in its diverses options: radio, recording and reproduction, electronic instrument and mechanical instrument.
pdf (cast)

Tecnología, automatización, algoritmo y algo de ritmo en el siglo XXI (2021)
Since more than a century, electrical technology seems to have possessed music, changing the conditions of listening and producing sound art, all kind of arts built on sound.
Presentation to the inter-institution Colloquium
Escucha y creación musical en el siglo XXI, 10.ix-15.x.2021 - EUM-Udelar/Unam, Panel 3 - viejas y nuevas tecnologías.
pdf (cast)

Around composers

Continuidades; análisis de Structures 1a de Pierre Boulez (2021)
Analysis of the most emblematic work of the integral serial era, of 1951. The continuities which set up fluidity of the language and of the structure.
pdf (cast)

Del espesor de la nota: Giacinto Scelsi y los Quattro Pezzi per orchestra (ciascuno su una nota), en busca de una inmovilidad agitada. (2021)
Giacinto Scelsi musical paradigma, or how to get back the depth of sound in music.
pdf (cast)

Around musical theory

Carne y hueso, sonido y silencio, el ser humano es antes que nada sonoro (2020)
In : Forma y sonido - quince años de arte sonoro en el Uruguay, Lukas Kühne & Fabrice Lengronne, comp., Universidad de Quilmes Editorial, Arg., pp. 51-66. (see publications)

Grupos y derivados en los trífonos (2020)
In: Héctor Tosar : Los grupos de sonidos, Fabrice Lengronne, ed., pp. 199-209. (see publications)

Théorie musicale et interculturalité : vers une conceptualisation ouverte et plurielle ? (2011)
Presentation during the Study Day « La recherche en littérature, sciences humaines et sociales en contexte pluriculturel », Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Crillash, Pôle Guyane, Cayenne, French Guyana, 18.xi.2011.
pdf (fr)

Organological issues

Lauro Ayestarán y la organología: observación y valoración de los instrumentos musicales, a partir del arco musical (2013)
Presentation during the Study Day «
Los oficios del investigador: homenaje a Lauro Ayestarán en su centenario», in the framework of the 5th Seminar «Enfoques sobre literatura y cultura latinoamericana», organised by the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República and the Centro Nacional de Documentación Musical Lauro Ayestarán, on 12.viii.2013, Montevideo, Uruguay.
pdf (cast)

Les tambours afro-uruguayens (2011)
Presentation of the drums used in Candombe, in Montevideo, for a CD-Rom edited by Cadeg, Cayenne, French Guyana, under the direction of Apollinaire Anakesa.
pdf (fr)

Issues in micro-intervals and tuning systems

•Documents for a course on microintervals, en 2019.

Microinterválica - Acústica
Contributions of acoustics and psycho-acoustics to selection and understanding of pitch theory.
v. 1.1 - pdf (cast)

Microinterválica - Historia
A brief history of esthetical and scientific research around microintervals and tunings.
v. 1.0.1 - pdf (cast)

Afinación occidental
Trends of tuning theory in Occident since the Middle Age.
v. 1.32 - pdf (cast)

Instrumentos microinterválicos
Paths to realization of microintervals.
v. 1.01 - pdf (cast)

Ivan Wyschnegradsky y la pansonoridad
Brief presentation of one of the main theorists of sounding spaces and microintervals. The pansonority goes far beyond the sole usage of quartertones where most music historians - who did not read him, of course - have imprisoned him.
v. 1.01 - pdf (cast)

Harry Partch y la monofonía
Brief presentation of «just intonation» theory elaborated by Harry Partch.
v. 1.1 - pdf (cast)

Musical notation

•Documents for a course on musical notation, in 2017 and 2023.

Notación musical - Notaciones Examples of musical notations around the world and during history, to realize that musical notation is not a modern occidental exclusivity.
v. 0.7 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Grecia
Synthesis on ancient greek musical notation.
v. 1.3 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Medioevo
Musical notations of Middle Ages and Renaissance.
v. 1.7 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Redonda
Modern musical notation, its appearing and its developments until today.
v. 1.66 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Tablatura
The tablature systems of Renaissance until today.
v. 1.2 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Numéricas
Numerical musical notations.
v. 1.21 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Indeterminación
Musical notation applied to musics based on indeterminacy.
v. 1.52 - pdf (cast)
Notación musical - Electroacústica
Musical notation of electroacoustic musics.
v. 1.0 - pdf (cast)